Tamil PaniniKeypad

4.2 ( 782 ratings )
유틸리티 소셜 네트워킹
개발자: Luna Ergonomics Pvt. Ltd.
2.99 USD

Type in Tamil, fast and easy on the iPhone to send text messages (SMS), emails, chat, poetry, greetings, wishes, blog, Facebook and twitter!

The Panini Keypad is a serial global award winning invention that allows you to type fast on the phone through an intelligent predictive keypad that is based on linguistics!

Watch Tamil typing video on YouTube

This innovative keyboard for typing Tamil on phone having various advantages.

PaniniKeypad based on Statistical predictive texting that predicts letters automatically on screen and put it right under your thumb.

Limited characters on screen one at time provides better usability as compared to fixed static QWERTY keyboard.

You will actually love to write in English also using this keypad, due to this self learning algorithm. Try it !

Word Prediction or association in supported in PaniniKeypad or in iPhone default keyboard. Dictionary words automatically pop up by input one character in preview bar. One can directly select word from it.
This will surely enhance the typing and make it very easy.

All letters, symbols & numerals of language accommodated in this design.

How to type

Look for the character and indicate it. If you do not find the character, press the Next for more predicted characters.

For conjunctions, put the Halant/Virama shown in red in between the consonants.

These are all according to standard Unicode rules for digital input of Tamil but you have to grow familiar.

Note that the matra (a dependent vowel is always entered after the consonant even though it may be actually occuring before in form). That is merely typography, not orthography.

Did you know, kshya is actually only a conjunction.

For examples & detailed help visit:

Each character type, swar varna, vyanjan varna, matra, special symbols are shown in different colours in the Panini Keypad for your assistance and also learning.

Tamil Panini Keypad software for iphone also facilitate you to type in English between Tamil by switching to Qwerty keypad.(on top of keypad)

The Panini Keypad is a predictive technology so it will assist you to write words within and outside the dictionary, its based on linguistics and it is at the next level from what you are familiar with, yes globally.

This Tamil product was made with bias for both the forms of Tamil as written in India and the world. :)

Hope that was enough if you tried each of them. The Panini Keypad will assist you with the accurate predictions along the way. Space twice for a fullstop or poornavirama.

Have the patience to learn and very soon you will be typing faster in Tamil than you write in English on your phone.

The Ergonomic mode is for your thumbing and Nearest Key mode more appropriate for using when using your finger.

This is a new paradigm on how non latin languages are efficiently supported on digital devices and this has been developed for every language of India and the world. Its a breakthrough. Keep the faith and spread the word!

write us: [email protected]

visit us: http://www.paninikeypad.com